Friday, October 30, 2020

Compensation costs for civilian workers increased 0.5 percent, seasonally adjusted, in the 3-month period ending in September 2020. Wages and salaries increased 0.4 percent and benefit costs increased 0.6 percent.

Personal income increased $170.3 billion (0.9 percent) in September. Disposable personal income (DPI) increased $150.3 billion (0.9 percent) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $201.4 billion (1.4 percent).

The September Prices Received Index 2011 Base (Agricultural Production), at 89.0, increased 0.9 percent from August and 1.1 percent from September 2019. The Crop Production Index was up 1.3 percent from last month and 5.9 percent from September 2019. The Livestock Production Index increased 0.2 percent from August, but decreased 3.7 percent from September 2019.

Farmers received higher prices during September for lettuce, hogs, corn, and soybeans but lower prices for milk, broilers, potatoes, and hay. In addition to prices, the indexes are influenced by the volume change of commodities producers market; in September, there was increased monthly volume for soybeans, corn, apples, and dry beans and decreased sales of cattle, wheat, cotton, and strawberries.

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